B24 Medieval Manner of Dress
Documents, Images and Surviving Examples of Northern Europe, Emphasizing Gotland in the Baltic Sea
Author: Else Marie Gutarp 109 pages Hardback
The English version of a very fine Swedish book produced by Gotlands Fornsal. Contains 68 b/w photos and sketches, and 24 photos in colour. Includes diagrammed Cutting Patterns.
List of Contents:
- Medieval Dress Practices
- Accessories
- Materials and Techniques
- Surviving Clothing from Scandinavia
- Clothing represented in Gotland´s Medieval Church Art
- Church, Monastery and Pilgrims
- Literature
- Sources of Illustrations
- Diagrammed Cutting Patterns
Pris: 100kr
Lager: 61.00st
Lager: 61.00st